Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Fancy Flickr!
So I did something fancy. I made sets of my photos in flickr and added a link on my side bar so that if you want you can look and see what I am working on, what I have worked on, and pictures of progress pictures while working on stuff that is now finished. Neat aye?
gift again
So I have thought long and hard, and did some math, and realized that I should not be a selfish knitter, that I should just make a baby blanket. This also comes from the realization that there is a huge differnce between 48 squares that would be needed to make a baby blanket and 100+squares that would be needed to make an adult size blanket... so sad. Plus on top of that there is the whole thing about not having enough yarn in the right colors to make a full size afghan. So a compromise has been made. I will make the baby an afghan out of all my random acrylic yarn (which is not a whole lot) and I will make an afghan out of all the random wool yarn for me (which I have a whole lot more of). It will be a goofy looking afghan that will be made out of a bunch of random yarn of random sizes and that I will just make bigger and bigger as the years go along. I think it will be one of those connect the squares as I go along type deals. It should be fun, and colorful!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Yet another project!

Okay, so this started out as a planned gift, but i think i am starting to like it too much and i don't know if i'm going to be able to give it away. It's an afghan from the book Simple Crochet. I'm using my stash yarn for it. These are the squares I made today. I think I'm just going to use the two multi colored squares toward the bottom of the picture and not the white one or the little one. Although I may use the varigated yarn to connect them all together though. Oh yet another project, well at least it's not costing anything!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
interesting... and a good idea!
Do you ever see something and think to yourself, "damn, i wish i would have thought of that" and then you stew about it that it would have been the perfect fit for who you are and what you do and what you think about. They just beat you to it. sometimes, it's by an hour, others it's more like 30 years. Well, that's the way I feel about the Red Sweater Project . This artist had an amazing idea. A way to get many people envolved and think about the war and all work together to make other people think about the war. I have been wanting to do something like this for awhile. I just wasn't sure how, and well she figured it out. knit or crochet a bunch of sweaters and tie them together to make people think. The people that help knit the sweaters think about who's death that sweater might be representing, and the people who see and then ask about the sweaters think about the magnitude of the deaths in Iraq. I like her explination of why she is only representing american soldiers, it's kind of a sad reason really. there is just no way to fit all of them in the tree. there are too many people who have died to represent in three inch sweaters inside of one tree. It seems to me that it would actually take a neighborhood of trees. So go to the sight and knit a sweater and remember who's fighting out there.
On a side note I just found out that a close friend of mine is being deployed to Iraq soon. It makes me kind of sad. I realize that he may die. That I may never see him again. That he too may be represented by a little red sweater.
On a side note I just found out that a close friend of mine is being deployed to Iraq soon. It makes me kind of sad. I realize that he may die. That I may never see him again. That he too may be represented by a little red sweater.
Friday, March 24, 2006
m.a.p. bag

So here are some pictures of my m.a.p. bag! There is the bag closed, open, the inside, button close up, and the inside showing the devider unsnapped (yess sir eee, the devider comes out, or stays in, it is secured with 6 snaps). I like it so much I'm going to make another one! I have some ideas on how to make the design better and the sewing process easier.
More Pictures
Finally... Pictures!

Sweaters and more sweaters! So I am finally posting some pictures of the projects I'm working on. I just started the somewhat cowl (sky blue cotton fleece), have been working on the wavey line sweater from the book Vintage Knits (Lambs Pride, light blue, pink, red, and brown, I will post the official names of the colors later), and the go with anything anywhere sweater from stitch and bitch.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
more projects

Well, somehow, even though I hardly have time to eat (last night I had aprox 15 mins to make and eat dinner inbetween school and work), I find time to knit and sew and find new projects to work on. And on top of that, I find that my reading list is getting longer everytime I post. I just added the new book from the museum of contemporary art in chicago. Here's a picture of the front, isn't it beautiful! And then, I just started swatching for the Somewhat Cowl from she has some great patterns.

Sunday, March 19, 2006
The long awaited Birthday list!
Well there have been a few requests from family (the people I mainly blog for so they can see what I'm up to as far as projects and events goes) to make a birthday wish list. So here is goes:
1. Bookcase! (or two) tall and narrow is the thing. no wider than 27" and as tall as can be
2. gift certificut to The Yarn Exchange or Dick Blick or JoAnn's Fabric (the only fabric store in town)
3. "Vanishing American Needle Arts" by Denise Longhurst
4. "Compendium of Finishing Techniques" by Naomi McEneely
5. "What is Wrong with Contemporary Art?"
6. "An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists" (I really want this, as far as books go it is top of the list)
7. "The Rape of the Masters: How Political Correctness Sabotages Art" (This is right under animal anatomy for artists)
8. "Denyse Schmidt Quilts"
9. "Make Your Own Contemporary Quilts"
Now of course I do not expect to get all this, but it's just some ideas for what I am interested in right now. Basically any book on art theory would be great, the bookcase is very very needed (I have piles all over my apartment, books and books and books, it's rediculous, but I love it).
1. Bookcase! (or two) tall and narrow is the thing. no wider than 27" and as tall as can be
2. gift certificut to The Yarn Exchange or Dick Blick or JoAnn's Fabric (the only fabric store in town)
3. "Vanishing American Needle Arts" by Denise Longhurst
4. "Compendium of Finishing Techniques" by Naomi McEneely
5. "What is Wrong with Contemporary Art?"
6. "An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists" (I really want this, as far as books go it is top of the list)
7. "The Rape of the Masters: How Political Correctness Sabotages Art" (This is right under animal anatomy for artists)
8. "Denyse Schmidt Quilts"
9. "Make Your Own Contemporary Quilts"
Now of course I do not expect to get all this, but it's just some ideas for what I am interested in right now. Basically any book on art theory would be great, the bookcase is very very needed (I have piles all over my apartment, books and books and books, it's rediculous, but I love it).
Thursday, March 16, 2006
more chicago and a splash of dekalb
Ah chicago... what a great day I had with you. I was dropped off at 10am (hitched a ride with a friend). Walked around for a bit, went to Au Bon Pain and then decided not to so I went to Cosi instead. There were couches, wooden tables, a big fireplace to bake bread in, and most importantly they didn't seem to mind people just buying coffee and sitting for a bit to read. Then off to the insitute for a few hours. There were so many great things there, I could have spent 6 hours there and not just 2.... It was only 7 dollars and I enjoyed it more than a movie, so I figured it was a good deal. I saw so much....
And then I went to the contemporary... interesting as always. There was one instilation and one painting that I really liked. Unfortunately I will have to look them up online because I forgot to write them down. There was another piece that was interesting. There were two empty galleries before I saw the guard and I know she must be guarding something so I keep walking.... and then I see it... a child... a small boy, he's kneeling and facing away from me, I cannot see what he looks like, so I walk around to face him. It is no child at all, it is in reality a child size hitler kneeling in front of me. The realization is startling.... deeping desturbing really. I left feeling discusted and betrayed. I was feeling innocent about the boy and that feeling was quickly replaced with horror because of the face. It's interesting how a face can mean so much, how a half truth is so decieving.
I went to the gift shop... which is more like an extensive library of books that can't be found in your standard bookstore. They range from artist biographies/autobiographies to art history and art theory. The really great thing is that all the art theory books are current. I decide another time I will buy one....
I go across the street to borders and drink some more coffee... I sit down and think about things what I've seen... how much I love the city. I'm thinking "you know, there was a help wanted sign on the door of that coffe place I was at earlier.... oh to work here, to be here, to live here, how wonderful." and then I realize that it won't happen for another 3 years at least, maybe more, so it goes i guess. It was great sitting there looking down at michigan and chicago ave and seeing all those people blur together into one identity... the identity of the city.
I kick myself for not buying that book. It was a toss up really on what to buy. Either "what is wrong with contemporary art?" or "art history versus aesthetics." They were both really good. I decide to go back and make up my mind about which book and buy one. First though I check to make sure that they don't sell them at borders for a whole lot cheaper. They don't. So I go back across the way to the contemporary and look at the books again.. all those wonderful books. Some day I will have a library that fills up two rooms, maybe more. And when I die, I will donate it to the art community and it will be called the Kristin Roach Mermorial Library! Anyway, so after much debate and looking around I decided on "Art History versus Aesthetics." Off to the office to catch my ride home, but I get there early so I go next door to starbucks and get a coffee. You know I don't like them or their coffee, but it is convienient having a coffee shop on almost every block.
I met up with david at 430 and we headed off to the Oak Park Library for the oak park arts league seminar on artists marketing. It was really good and I wrote a bunch of notes. I learned a whole lot and became inspired to sell my art and to market it. We chatted a bit and then headed home.
Back in DeKalb...
More work at old navy.
And I ordered my pattern for the knit along. I'm going to be making the somewhat cowl from Knit and Tonic. I will post a picture of that and other things later.
I had dinner with my neighbors, I'm going to be so sad when they move, but that's not until July so I'm just going to enjoy their company for now.
Watched Cowboy Beebop season 2 again... it is so good.
Well this is a mighty long post so I'm going to call it quits for now. I'll post pictures of things later.
And then I went to the contemporary... interesting as always. There was one instilation and one painting that I really liked. Unfortunately I will have to look them up online because I forgot to write them down. There was another piece that was interesting. There were two empty galleries before I saw the guard and I know she must be guarding something so I keep walking.... and then I see it... a child... a small boy, he's kneeling and facing away from me, I cannot see what he looks like, so I walk around to face him. It is no child at all, it is in reality a child size hitler kneeling in front of me. The realization is startling.... deeping desturbing really. I left feeling discusted and betrayed. I was feeling innocent about the boy and that feeling was quickly replaced with horror because of the face. It's interesting how a face can mean so much, how a half truth is so decieving.
I went to the gift shop... which is more like an extensive library of books that can't be found in your standard bookstore. They range from artist biographies/autobiographies to art history and art theory. The really great thing is that all the art theory books are current. I decide another time I will buy one....
I go across the street to borders and drink some more coffee... I sit down and think about things what I've seen... how much I love the city. I'm thinking "you know, there was a help wanted sign on the door of that coffe place I was at earlier.... oh to work here, to be here, to live here, how wonderful." and then I realize that it won't happen for another 3 years at least, maybe more, so it goes i guess. It was great sitting there looking down at michigan and chicago ave and seeing all those people blur together into one identity... the identity of the city.
I kick myself for not buying that book. It was a toss up really on what to buy. Either "what is wrong with contemporary art?" or "art history versus aesthetics." They were both really good. I decide to go back and make up my mind about which book and buy one. First though I check to make sure that they don't sell them at borders for a whole lot cheaper. They don't. So I go back across the way to the contemporary and look at the books again.. all those wonderful books. Some day I will have a library that fills up two rooms, maybe more. And when I die, I will donate it to the art community and it will be called the Kristin Roach Mermorial Library! Anyway, so after much debate and looking around I decided on "Art History versus Aesthetics." Off to the office to catch my ride home, but I get there early so I go next door to starbucks and get a coffee. You know I don't like them or their coffee, but it is convienient having a coffee shop on almost every block.
I met up with david at 430 and we headed off to the Oak Park Library for the oak park arts league seminar on artists marketing. It was really good and I wrote a bunch of notes. I learned a whole lot and became inspired to sell my art and to market it. We chatted a bit and then headed home.
Back in DeKalb...
More work at old navy.
And I ordered my pattern for the knit along. I'm going to be making the somewhat cowl from Knit and Tonic. I will post a picture of that and other things later.
I had dinner with my neighbors, I'm going to be so sad when they move, but that's not until July so I'm just going to enjoy their company for now.
Watched Cowboy Beebop season 2 again... it is so good.
Well this is a mighty long post so I'm going to call it quits for now. I'll post pictures of things later.
Oh yesterday was so good. I went to chicago, I saw art, I lived in the city for a day. I want to go back soon. The day was just to short. I will post more later, because I have to go to work. Blah.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Art Emersion Day, Horray!

So I have decided that although I have two papers, 3 exams, one summary, french homework, and a painting to paint in one week for submission to the sga show that I am taking One whole day off for art, for my love of art, for my desire of art. I am going to take this day, start off at 7am and take myself to chicago. I am less than 2 hours away from chicago and have lived less than 2 hours from chicago for over 8 months and have not gone there. What is wrong with me!? I think I am afraid.. although I am not sure why. So I am going to go and look at art, make art, be inspired and renew my soul. And yes I am serious, I need renewal. I am burnt out, uninspired, and not excited about my work. My cousin ask me "when is the last time you did art for yourself and not for school?" It was a tough question for me to swallow... it has been since last summer! that is too long! that is rediculous!
So what is on the agenda?
the melanee cooper gallery -
the douglas dawson gallery -
the jean albano gallery -
the aldo castillo gallery -
the art institute of chicago -
the museum of contemporary art chicago -
I know, I know, it's a lot to do in one day... but really no... I will do it.... although, honestly the aldo castillo gallery may just be too far away. I'm going to have to check into the El and see if they run out that way. Make it easier on me to get around. I am looking forward to this so much. Most of the galleries are in the northern downtown next to the contemporary so i will most likely go to more galleries than listed. Oh the art emerssion proceeds!
Oh and the painting on the left is not mine, it's something I came across while looking for galleries to go to... I love this woman and I plan on going to boston and meeting her. She is amazing!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Yeah for today!
I haven't posted in awhile, but that's mainly because I have been lazy and busy at the same time. I did a few packages in the mail this past week that brought me so much happiness. My cousin sent me a few bookmarks that she made along with a letter on really cute stationary. It really made my day. Then just yesterday I recieved The New Crewel, which also made my day. I suppose I should reliquish my copy from the library back to their hold... I do love the library and all of their books, and the way that they smelled, the feel of their pages. I will post pictures later, when I am no longer feeling so lazy.
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