Anyway. Lots of stuff to show you out there in webdom. I recieved my order of concave buttons after picking up these at the local vintage everything shop (Lavish Thrift).
These are the ones that I ordered:
I'm going to do something really super cool (hopefully) with them and will show you when I'm finished.
Also, I'm going to be collaborating with this Rockford artist that was showing his work at the group salon show at the leger gallery. We had a good chat, I bought this from him,
and then realized "crap, I should have gotten his info." After I took it home I realized that I was going to have to reline the inside before I used it.... then it hit me, what a great collaboration that would be, he could do the outside and i could do the inside. My friend saw him at the reopening, got his info, and i shot him an email asking if he would like to give it a try. He really liked the idea. It's something he had wanted to do, but didn't want to... if you know what I mean. It's just not his idea of fun... but it is for me because maybe I'm just a bit neroidic... but that's okay. So we are going to do a trial run. Like 2-10ish after I redo the one I have and see how it goes.
So far I'm in the process of ripping out the liner and scrubbing down the inside... this is what it looks like right now:
Gross right?
I'll show more pictures of it as it's in process, then finally done... hopefully by next weekend.
Okay so other news:
I just added more craftleftover kits to the etsy shop, you should go get your hands on one. Remeber 50 cents of each kit (the rest of the price is s&h and materials) goes towards the publishing of the book. The kits are all made from stuff from my stash (for the most part) and a lot of the materials in them are vintage and neat-o. So check it out. There are kits for the Pencil Clutch, the reversable travel tissue holders, the perfect dish cloth, and the newest pattern the Springy Crocheted Head Wrap.
It's pretty swanky... I got a ton of compliments and "ohhhh! where did you buy that?" comments, which are the best because then I can say "I didn't buy it, I made it, you can get the pattern for free on craft leftovers!" what great promotion right?
And even more fun Craft Leftover news, I'm going to be in the Ars Nova Art and Craft Sale that is happening April 11th and 12th at the NIU Glass Gallery in the Holmes Student Center. It's going to be all Craft Leftover stuff too. I'm working on my display and inventory right now. I'll be selling Craft Leftover Kits, have the patterns printed out that will be 50 cents each, and then all the different craft leftover projects made up for sale. Mainly the catnip pillows, crochet head wraps, reusable tea bags, reversable travel tissue holders, and pencil clutches.
I'm also going to apply for the Renagade Craft Fair this summer so hopefully that will be coming up in the fall. It will be way easy once I get my inventory/display all ramped up! Woot.
My goal is that by next summer I will be in the Bazaar Bizarre out in the bay area... here's to hoping!
Okay so I do have some bad news in all this.... my sewing machine has totally, finally, completely... bit the freaking dust. I'm so sad. I haven't been able to sew in over a week. It's driving me nuts. I have plans on getting a new one, after a few pay checks and a painting sells, but honestly it will not be nice, it will be one of those on sale walmart ones. Plus, my credit card number got stolen last week so I can't even go out and emergancy charge the thing.
I'm not one to ask for help, but if you feel my pain and feel inclined to help, there is a donate button in the sidebar of craft leftovers, that would go towards helping me to get a new sewing machine. Anything would be an big help.
Well, now that I'm done groveling, I'm going to get on that art history paper, have a good weekend!
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